MDS Manifesto - show your commitment and sign the call to improve the care for patients with MDS!
All parties committed to improving the care of MDS patients are strongly encouraged to co-sign and further disseminate the new MDS Manifesto. The joint public declaration has already been co-signed by several major institutions and organisations across Europe. It specifies in general terms what MDS stakeholders agree needs to be done to address the key issues the MDS community is faced with:
- Increased laboratory research and analysis of real-world datasets
- More international and patient-centred collaborative clinical research
- More, and better, affordable and accessible treatment options
- Improved diagnosis and professional guidance for patient management
- Enhanced collaboration and better patient information, advocacy and involvement
The MDS Manifesto reflects the major concerns and needs expressed at the first MDS-RIGHT multi-stakeholder meeting on 'European Perspectives on MDS Patient Management' held in May 2017.
You may translate this document into other languages and use it for your local, national or international MDS advocacy purposes. The list of signatories will be continuously updated on this website.
To read the MDS Manifesto, download a copy and find out how your organisation or institution can easily support this call by co-signing it, please click here.